The Brave Boy and Therapeutic Clowns at CHEO (plus Mario photobombing)

Sunday 16 February 2020

Saturday Sickness and Snuggles

Ollie still wasn't feeling great Saturday morning and the doctors tried a number of drugs to get rid of the nausea.

Finally we seemed to have found a magic combination with an anti-nausea patch called Scopolamine and an oral drug (which at first he fought taking) called Sucralfate. For the rest of the afternoon and evening he felt much better, although still a bit scared of "risking" eating anything significant for fear that he'd throw it up.

He even felt well enough to practice his physio with Mario to regain his strength and balance after a month mainly in bed.

His French teacher sent him some cool Brain teaser puzzles and Magformers which he enjoyed puzzling out with his hands. Amazing what he can do without his eyes. Always knew he was clever, but never imagined how quickly he'd adapt and overcome a challenge so big.

Abby came for the day but was upset at how sick he's been this week. Eventually as he slept she and I went to Trainyards for retail therapy and time together, talking and new Barbies changed her outlook. This cancer battle brought to you by Mattel!

Sometimes it's just all too much for Ollie and he gets combative. Daddy was able to calm him this afternoon with hugs and snuggles.
When he felt better and the, rest of our foursome went home, we got out the new Magformers friends and his teacher had bought and he built structures.

Then we sent Daddy Ave Abby crazy texts...
They sent one back...No idea who the porky is in the middle...
Ollie slept much better and more overnight as did Mommy.

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