The Brave Boy and Therapeutic Clowns at CHEO (plus Mario photobombing)

Sunday 9 February 2020

RSV and Beyblades

Quick update...Ollie's new chemo is going well, with no real nausea and the sodium issue seems to have been resolved. That said, the steroids that are part of chemo are making him quite aggressive and more anxious and last night I had to get the nurses to give him medication to ensure he didn't climb out of the bed and take off like he was threatening to do. It was very frustrating and stressful. I felt horrible medicating him, but was worried for his safety. When he calmed down he started to cry and apologize for his behavior. I assured him I wasn't mad and knew out was just the steroids making him do it. 

Today he was with Mario while I spent a bit of time with Abby and Ollie insisted on stalking me all day, calling me incessantly to see if I had bought the Beyblades he wanted from his allowance and when I was coming back to hospital. Nearly drove me (and Abby) insane...again just a byproduct of the steroids.

We came back to the hospital to have dinner together and learned that the cough and runny nose he's had since last night is the very common RSV virus. So now he really is in isolation Remember that he started out in Isolation 25 days ago, and when they figured out it wasn't meningitis, but actually lymphoma causing his issues, they lifted the Isolation. So now no visitors allowed other than parents again. Sigh. 

I swear the diagram of RSV looks like a Beyblades, so how could Ollie the Beyblade King avoid it?!

Another lumbar puncture (LP) tomorrow with intrathecal chemo in his spine. He is not thrilled.

So wish us a good night despite everything. One step back today, but at least no big slides back. 

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