The Brave Boy and Therapeutic Clowns at CHEO (plus Mario photobombing)

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Readying for Radiation

 It's late and I should be sleeping already, but am keyed up about radiation starting today. So I am making this a quick post, but wanted you to know we're ready.

We've been finding and buying the few things we'll need for the hospital (like slippers for Ollie and Mario...who knew it would be so hard to find slippers in summer, even in Toronto?!), stockpiling supplies (sorry...not trying to be COVID hoarders, just know we'll have little time or energy to worry about little things for the next 2 or more months) and getting out for our last real taste of unencumbered time before the transplant. We've been resting as much as we can and generally trying to enjoy being together, knowing these are the last days all together for at least two months.

In our travels nearby, Abby and I were struck by the signs that our community is still with us, from seeing our own street name... that of our school and parish community...
Ollie had a final clinic visit today (he was tired and grumpy since his sleep cycle is still way off) where he was given the green light and his COVID test (his 5th now, so please don't complain and wear your mask to protect yourself and vulnerable people like Ollie) came back negative.

Total Body Radiation starts at 7:55 am at Princess Margaret Hospital, then we go to Sick Kids Hospital for the day for observation, followed by a second session of Total Body Radiation at 3:30 pm today and then if he's feeling okay, we go home (to our home away from home...the condo), eat, sleep and do it all over again for two more days before being admitted for chemo on Friday.

I'll write a better, more detailed post tomorrow, but in the meantime, thanks for your lovely notes of encouragement the last few days and know that we're taking all of the strength you've given us into this next push to get Ollie well.

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