The Brave Boy and Therapeutic Clowns at CHEO (plus Mario photobombing)

Saturday 7 December 2019

Special, but normal

We had a visit from dear friends Julie and Rob who have been down this road with her mother and knew exactly how to make us feel special but still treated us normal just as they did before cancer.

Yesterday was much the same as the day before. Ollie woke not feeling great, so they have him Gravol and he slept all morning and through until 2 pm. Thankfully when he woke he was feeling way better and had more energy again. He was predictably happy that he had managed to avoid having a school lesson for the day. LOL

At CHEO they have a role called Child Life Specialist. I think I've mentioned them before. They're whole job is to make things easier and to make CHEO more palatable for kids and by extension their families. We have become familiar with a great one on Oncology in the Medical Day Unit, but each ward has their own as well and they work as an amazing team.

This is the decorated door of the Child Life office where they have made themselves elves and I've got to say this Christmas it feels like they are helping Santa to make all of our wishes come true. They work really hard too make kids feel special, but normal.

So Maryse on 4 North has been helping Ollie to learn how to swallow pills using candy, has brought Play Station 4 to his room on days he can't get out because of chemo, and helped him to use a hospital sheet to make a hockey surface and found nets and sticks to play on. Yesterday she also let him make his own patient because earlier in the week he says he wished he could make someone else take medicines and have pokes like him.

Meet Jake the patient. He's sad because he is scared of needles and got a poke today that Dr. Ollie had to give him. 

While letting him give a needle to the patient (carefully!), they talked about strategies that Jake (and Ollie) could use to manage the stress and pain. Monday Jake will also get a PICC line like Ollie's where he'll get his chemo and blood taken. He might even get lumbar and bone marrow punctures. Poor, brave Jake.

Another Child Life team member whom we had never met and works on the weekends arrived in Ollie's room this morning and introduced herself as Lisa. She also told me that we have mutual friends in common and when I asked who she told me she is good friends with Ken who is my friend Norm's husband. She then gave us a card from them with a beautiful message. Norm and Ken has been reading this blog and found out that Gabriel's pizza is Ollie's favourite so generously sent him a gift card to have a pizza party on them. Ollie was excited and it was perfect timing as he'd been feeling sad. Mario was overwhelmed when I told him later and is constantly surprised by people's kindness. I am delighted by the surprises, but not at all shocked as we are so very blessed to have great people like Norm and Ken in our large and comforting circle of community. 

I tell you this specific story only because it relates to how Child Life bends over backwards to make things better for us including an unusual and very personal delivery. There are still many more friends and family who have sent packages to make us smile, and keep us fed, warm and comfortable in the knowledge that we are loved and supported. Thank you all for your many gestures of kindness. Each and every one is loved and appreciated.

We heard yesterday that we may very well be in hospital for round 2 of chemo beginning on December 24. Maryse was quick to tell us that as much as they know everyone would rather be home for Christmas, they try to make it special with a visit from Santa and special activities all day. She even told us she's working because it is the best day of the year to work at CHEO. Our ending Oncology Coordinator said they may be able too push the date a few days, so as long as it doesn't jeopardize his health, we're still hoping for that, but beautiful to know that Christmas will go on no matter where we are.

Anywhere we are together can be normal and so can Christmas if need be. These two are all that matter and all I want for Christmas is for us too be together and for our boy to be well. 

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