

Tuesday 26 January 2021

Faith In a Better Tomorrow

I have not been okay today. I knew it was coming and tried not to make a big deal of it or to let the memory of January 25th, 2020 increase my anxiety or sadness, but it was too much for my battered brain and heart to ignore.

This was the worst day of my entire life last year. Worse even than diagnosis day. On this day last year Ollie had gone blind, I was told he had relapsed in his brain and spine, had to tell Mario and Abby, heard that he'd need radiation and a stem cell transplant, and he was transferred to ICU to manage his incredible pain and blindness. 
How do you ever forget your seven year old crying that he felt he was dying and begging you to make the pain stop? How do you forget having to cause your husband and daughter incredible agony because you had to tell them that lymphoma was trying to take over your baby's brain? How do you unremember sitting in a room of doctors who told you that they had no idea why your son was blind, if he'd ever recover any of his vision or if their treatment would definitely get him into remission for the stem cell transplant he'd now need?

I'll never be able to unfeel any of the fear, anxiety or sorrow that I felt on this day or throughout this week last year. I've never been so afraid in all of my life. Diagnosis was scary, but also a relief as we finally knew what it was and had a plan of attack. We were told it was a very treatable form of lymphoma and the ALCL 99 chemo protocol worked in about 75% of cases. Great odds we thought! 

Never did we imagine that he'd be in that dreaded 25% for whom it wouldn't work with the basic 6 rounds of chemo. Relapse and blindness came out of nowhere and thumped us on our butts good. For a brief time I was really feeling desperate and uncertain that he'd make it. My faith had been strong, but felt shaky that week. When I think back to that week I am always, reminded of "Footprints in the Sand" whereby I now know Jesus was carrying me. In retrospect, God sent me help to bolster me and prop up my faith. He sent me incredible messages of love and support from so many people. He sent dear friends to feed and check on Mario and Abby while they were ill.

He also physically sent me: 
- Roisin and Rich with gifts and hugs from St. George on the very day we were moving to the Pediatric ICU and were so overwhelmed;
- Nurse Kim in the PICU to help us through the night he was having seizures that I thought might be a stroke and to insist the next night that I take a parent room to get some real sleep for the first time in over a week while she and another nurse stayed with Ollie non-stop;
- Maria and Toni to nurture me and give me emotional support and physical respite when Abby and Mario came down with strep throat the same week that Ollie was in ICU;
- Vic and Jenna to bring Ollie out of his pain-induced coma-like state to show me my boy was still in there;
- Nurse Maddie whom we loved from 4 North with us in the PICU during a floating shift to help us through some difficult procedures that week;
- Jamie who actually worked in PICU, but was not assigned to us came to see us during her shift every day we were in the PICU bringing fresh fruit, snacks and the best and most needed hugs.

And there were so many other Godwink moments that I now understand to be signs from God that He was with us in our worst moments. 

That week changed the trajectory of our lives forever in countless ways. Naturally the blindness after a full year has completely changed how we support and parent him, how we feel now about ability (not disability), and how we help him to navigate and view the world. But it also changed our family's genetic footprint and our appreciation of medicine and science. That was the week we all went to have our HLA matching done to see if any of us were a stem cell match for Ollie. It started our less than smooth path to stem cell transplant and in the end made us all believers in the powerful combination of faith, science and medicine. 

He had another chimerism test last week. It's the fourth since transplant 6 months ago and it's still 100% Abby's cells. His "Abby treatment" has been unbelievably successful after so much agony and fear. His oncologist says that they've rarely seen a transplant (especially a half match) go so well and they wish they could bottle Abby's cells for others. She does, too. 

It's like these monumental days are now etched into our DNA and sometimes even without knowing why, each of us has reactions to the memories (in my case consciously, in the case of Mario and the kids, subconsciously as they don't remember the dates like I do). Over the last few days each of us has had our moments of freak outs and melt downs that are seemingly unrelated, but I know that they are connected to last year. Whether I somehow give off some subliminal signs or secret code that we should all be remembering these milestones or my anxiety and sadness simply adds to their underlying and omni present similar feelings, I don't know. I do know it's hard and that as my therapist says, it's also necessary to remember and feel it all to work through it and get past it. 

Other cancer moms tell me you never forget, but it does get easier the farther you get away from cancer treatment. The thing is, you never get away from it. The long term effects will always be with us and as Ollie grows up we'll have other potential physical side effects to contend with. 

Today he had an ultrasound on the back of his neck. On the very day that last year his relapse was confirmed and he went blind. What kind of cruel irony keeps putting me at CHEO for tests on already difficult days? It can't be random. So it must be for a reason...maybe to remind me of how strong we are? To show us how far we've come? 

Maybe it's to give us better memories on these days going forward. Today we heard that there is no bump in the ultrasound and our radiologist and oncologist believe it's a simple knot in his muscle. We're going to keep an eye on it, just in case, but unlike that first ultrasound on his originally very visibly evident bump on his neck, they saw nothing to be concerned about. Still, the initial fear in Mario's eyes when we got home and Ollie started talking about the radiologist coming in to look at it himself made me want to weep or rage that this anxiety and the unknown will always torture us to some degree. Thankfully I was able to reassure him that the radiologist saw nothing and a call shortly after we got home from our oncologist confirming this was comforting. 

So we've had an emotionally exhausting day, but it's turned out so much better than this day last year, so we'll take that as a win. I'm not okay, but I am getting better slowly as I work through the last 15 months of fear and sorrow, one day at a time. January 25th, 2020 took a lot from us, but it didn't take our Ollie or our faith.

For those of you who tell me we remain in your prayers, thank you so much. Days like today are why we still need them and are grateful for them. 


  1. You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers. William always asks me how Ollie is doing. He says he misses his friend Ollie.

  2. You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers. William always asks me how Ollie is doing. He says he misses his friend Ollie.


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