The Brave Boy and Therapeutic Clowns at CHEO (plus Mario photobombing)

Saturday 8 August 2020

Masking My Fears (by Abby)

Cancer sucks. One moment you're healthy and the next minute you're not. Having to watch my little brother go through something so tragic at such a young age that some adults couldn't even do is hard. Knowing that the next day is never promised for him, knowing that every day he lives in a dark room and can't see the faces of his loved ones. 
Today I got a call from him, crying and saying how he just wanted to come home and see me, after this I started crying because I am not allowed to see him because he's in isolation after his transplant and siblings are not allowed to visit because of COVID-19. Most people take things like this for granted, but Ollie and I don't because we know that the next time we see each other could be months away from now. I remember the longest time I have ever spent away from Ollie, I had gotten strep throat and I couldn't see him for three weeks when he was at CHEO. 

Over the last few months I have been especially worried for Ollie, because of the pandemic. I have had to be really careful to not contract Covid-19 because if I were to get the virus and give it to him (since we destroyed his old immune system so that he could get a new one) it could kill him. It makes me so angry when I see people not wearing a mask in public and not social distancing. Like did people forget that we are in a PANDEMIC?! Imagine being afraid of doing normal day to day things because you fear you will get the corona virus, give it to your  brother and end his life. 
If an eight year old and eleven year old can wear a mask in public and can social distance and not hug their friends then so can you! Guess what, Ollie and I have been wearing masks since November because once your family member gets cancer it becomes normal to wear a mask everywhere to avoid getting sick! So please wear a mask.

If I could give you some advice it would be to be grateful for everything you have, count your blessings and to know that you can do hard things even if you don't think you can, because Ollie does it every day.


  1. Beautifully said Abby! You're an amazing young woman and you and Ollie are so fortunate to have each other. Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. 😊🙏💌

  2. Abby thanks for reminding everyone how important it is to wear our masks and stay socially distanced. Your viewpoint and experience could help everyone REALLY understand! Keep spreading the message and know I am wearing my mask! Stay strong all of you. Ms. Di


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