

Friday 19 June 2020

Gifts to Give Families Battling Cancer

People are so kind and generous that I get asked constantly what people can do or buy for us. We've been overwhelmed by the giving, actually. So here are some suggestions of things to buy for a family with a kid with cancer (please note we do not need these things as we've already been given them). Many of these suggestions would likely be equally helpful to adults battling cancer:

- Medicine organizers: one big one for the patient and one smaller each for the family members for their vitamins and immuno-boosters
- Grocery staples or a gift card to stock their pantry or freezer
- All purpose tote for hospital with favourite snacks, drinks, etc. 
- Safety aids or gift certificate to purchase some (e.g. Shoppers Drug Mart Wellwise, Amazon, etc.)
- Gift cards: Grocery store gift cards, Tim Horton's, Starbucks, Restaurants with takeout, Indigo, Amazon, Shoppers Drug Mart or Rexall (for vitamins, supplies, mobile aids, etc.), Gas, Google Play (online movies, apps, games, books), Cineplex (online movies to rent or purchase), Uber Eats, Door Dash, Skip the Dishes, local favourite specialty shops (e.g. Merry Dairy), etc.
- Online subscriptions: Audible for books, Netflix, Prime, or anything they might be into. 
- Cook for them: Start a Meal Train or join one organized for them. When we were in hospital continuously for 2 months this was a Godsend for us all. We had no energy to cook and were mostly eating fast food at the hospital when we weren't being fed by friends and family. Freezable foods are best to ensure no waste.  
- Pajamas, robes, slippers for whole family: comfort is needed and for those that will be at the hospital often, these are helpful. Ask the family for sizes if needed or buy someplace easy
 to exchange.
- Sleep and relaxation aids: Sleep masks, melatonin, Magic Bag, essential oils, humidifier, etc.
- Gift cards for Kids clothing stores (Children's Place, Carter's, Old Navy, etc.): Ollie has gone up two sizes due to the steroids and we've had to unexpectedly buy a whole new wardrobe quickly. You also need things you didn't plan for like all of a sudden muscle shirts to accommodate PICC lines and such

- Toys, Games, Puzzles: Small, tactile toys and things that can be used to entertain in a hospital bed: Magnetic tiles for building, Lego sets, Lego Mini figure blind bags, Fidget spinners, Putty, Brain teaser puzzles, Mad Libs, Comics, Fart boxes and noise makers, mini versions of games (Rock 'Em Sock 'Em and Mini Battleship were faves with ours), etc. If you know the child's passion (e.g. Beyblades), contributing to their collection is totally appreciated!
-Donations: Make a donation in the child's honour with a charity that will be helping the family. Our faves are:

- Cash: while in general I have not been a fan of giving cash as a gift in many situations, I must admit that we have been grateful for the Go Fund Me campaign, the donations from families at Ollie's school and the individual cheques that have arrived in our mailbox unexpectedly. At a time when we'd ordinarily be even more stressed due to loss of income given I'm on EI making about 40% of my wage, we've been so thankful not to have to worry about money, too. Especially when it cost us an extra $4,000 a month in Toronto for the failed attempt at the bone marrow transplant and will be same when we go back again to finally get it! Cash enables cancer families to use your gift on whatever they need, and things do come up. From equipment like wheelchairs and handrails to a new washer and dryer when it conked out unexpectedly during round two of chemo, big unexpected expenses come up. 
- Other Personal Gifts: We've also received so many thoughtful gifts like stuffed Llamas when Ollie lost his, beautifully made blankets, PICC covers, religious icons, rosaries, books, etc. A personal, thoughtful gift is always appreciated.
Thank you to everyone who have been so incredibly generous with your time, money and emotional investments in our journey. When Ollie is well and COVID is over, we are planning one heck of a party and you're all invited to celebrate our collective victory!

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