The Brave Boy and Therapeutic Clowns at CHEO (plus Mario photobombing)

Friday 17 January 2020

Literal Isolation

He's still at CHEO being a superhero infection fighter. No fever since this morning, although headache and nausea off and on.

We're now literally not just feeling isolated, but are actually in isolation, so no visitors or leaving the room for him until he's well. Naturally this time he brought Beyblades and hoped to make a new friend here to play with. 

Mario took the day off and let Abby sleep in (who indignantly protested when she woke up that she could NOT miss school...She's totally my daughter), then took her to school late and came to be with us for the rest of the day. Ollie slept a lot today.

Llama Llama Blue Pajamas slept today, too.

Dear friends had Abby after school, fed her dinner and took her out to Kanata for a special youth group activity and later brought her back. 

Ollie took the painful and expensive, yet magical G-CSF injection again tonight to try to boost his neutrophils, so here's hoping it works like last time. 

We're tired, but doing okay. We're in limbo about when we'll go home and even if there'll be chemo this week or if it will be delayed, as it all depends on his blood counts between now and Monday. 

Off to bed for me now. Your prayers and encouragement have been helpful today. Sweet dreams to all.

1 comment:

  1. Amor amor amor ... Mis pensamientos alientan y los abrazan, Caya Camacho


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