

Saturday 4 January 2020

Home Again, Home Again...

We are home from CHEO! 

We got home Friday night after an uncertain afternoon where doctors said Ollie could go home if he felt well enough, yet didn't feel great after chemo. So we waited longer than expected to see if we could leave while he took more anti-nausea meds and rested longer. 

In the end he desperately wanted to go home and although we felt that it might be better to wait overnight, with the assurance from the doctors that we could give him the two anti-nausea meds orally at home as needed, we went home.

Julie visiting us in hospital.

The chemo was a different "cocktail" than last time and tougher than the last round on him mentally and physically so he was nauseous more than last time. 

We did have a better week mentally by not escalating his negative feelings and working on understanding what he can control versus what we can't.
He didn't feel great last night before bed and had to take meds. I slept with him and he slept okay, but woke feeling sick again so he spent most of the morning in bed with Daddy watching movies and by noon was well enough to come down and eat and watch movies on the sofa.

So today was a pj day for us all. Abby and I worked on her geneology project and I also took down and packed up the Christmas decorations. 

So we're all happy to be home and to have about 3 weeks here before round 3 with only 1 weekly appointment at CHEO for blood work and PICC dressing changes. 

Thanks to all for the positivity and prayers during round 2!

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