The Brave Boy and Therapeutic Clowns at CHEO (plus Mario photobombing)

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Wishes and Miracles

Ollie took this pic. Santa came to the CHEO Medical Day Unit (MDU) and gave me one of my wishes early this year...scroll down to hear what it was!
Ollie got to see Santa after all this year! 

Every day in MDU there is excitement. You'd think that with so many sick kids there it would be a depressing place, but there is a happy atmosphere there that defies logic. It's like you are being wrapped up in a womb, enveloped in warmth and comfort despite the cold reality that cancer forces you to face daily. If Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, MDU is the happiest place at CHEO for the same reasons. Everyone bends over backwards there to make it a positive and rewarding experience for families. 

Today it was Christmas in MDU. We were there for some blood and kidney tests. Santa was there, accompanied by Officer Amanda from the Ottawa Police Service. The Ottawa Police had provided presents wrapped and labeled (Boy 8-10, Girl 4-6, etc.) for every kid there today and they're doing it again all day Thursday. I have always had a lot of respect for the men and women who keep us safe in this city and it today it got bigger. So maybe buying cancer kids presents at Christmas is easy enough to do and send, but sending a Santa and an officer to help was classy. And the officer was awesome with the kids and treated them like normal kids. Also surprisingly unusual as a lot of adults I have come into contact with recently don't know how to treat sick kids.

Excited to open a present from Santa (courtesy of the Ottawa Police)!

Ollie got over $100 value in Lego and I was blown away at people's generosity once again. There was a lovely card that made me tear up, wishing him a healthy 2020 and that he feels better soon. 
Playing a trick on Officer Amanda of the Ottawa Police with Molly Penny's help!

Officer Amanda showing Ollie that her pink handcuffs were actually real police handcuffs and him trying to escape!

We also saw our oncologist, Dr. Pinto setup was super pleased with Ollie' s response to the chemo, noting the amazing reduction in his bump already and remedying on how terrific it was that he was still super energetic (as he bounced around the room asking a million questions and bouncing an actual ball on his hand too voraciously). She explained that although they had originally slated him to start round 2 of chemo being admitted to hospital on December 24, they discussed pushing that by a few days and given the number of others scheduled to be admitted them, decided he is strong enough to wait until December 30 to start round 2. So my Christmas wish came true and we get to be home safely with our family together and wake up Christmas morning in our own beds to see what Santa has brought. Christmas miracles do exist and we are so grateful for all of the positive energy and prayers being sent our way, so please keep them coming in the new year. 

More soon...

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