The Brave Boy and Therapeutic Clowns at CHEO (plus Mario photobombing)

Monday 2 December 2019

Rock'em Sock'em and the Grinch

Tic Tac Toe, Checkers, Connect Four all help to pass the time and keep his mind sharp.

You'd think that days in the hospital would be long, but the time passes quickly. There are many medical teams and CHEO staff visiting us each day. For example, our dedicated Oncology Coordinator, Virginia came by today to see how we were doing and talk about what else we might need. Our Social Worker pops in every few days to make sure we're adjusting well. The Child Life Specialist is teaching Ollie how to take pills so in future we can avoid his medicine taste aversions and help him to minimize how often he'll have to drag his IV around when in hospital for the first six days in each of the 5 subsequent chemo rounds. The Palliative care team (pain management, not end of life!) checks in to make sure he is not in pain. And he has a physician from Hematology/Oncology who checks on him daily to make sure all is well. Today he checked in multiple times to ensure bowel movements were happening and to challenge Ollie to Rock'em Sock'em matches, trying in vain to beat the brave little champ. Don't tell him we told you though, as he swore Ollie to secrecy so his team doesn't shame him!

Ollie dominating at Rock'em Sock'em against Dr. Chancy.

We also had a lovely visit from St. G friend Jamie who works at CHEO and whose son Gabriel has been in Abby's class since kinder. It has surprised me how many people I actually know who work here. 

Our financial advisor/insurance broker and friend, Sean also kindly stopped by to help with and pick up insurance forms and to bring Ollie a special present. We are so very thankful for the great advice that he's always given our family and now more than ever it will help us to weather the unexpected financially. 

Mario and Abby came bringing another delicious dinner generously made with love by a St. G family. Being together for a simple meal is never something we've taken for granted, as like my grandmother always insisted upon, dinner in our family is the one time of day we are all together, talking about how the day went, how we are feeling and what is planned for the next day. I am so very glad to have this ritual right now and eating together continues to connect us even when we are apart most of the time right now.

Abby sweetly brought a Grinch Christmas cookie kit to decorate with Ollie before dinner tonight.

Tomorrow I'll share more about Ollie's state of mind and how I'm using my coaching and change management training to help him. 

Thanks for all of your kind words about the blog. It is therapeutic and an important record of a life changing time for us and we appreciate you being on this journey with us, whether near or far. Big hugs to all! 

Ollie's impressive Grinch cookie.

- Grinch in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

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