

Saturday 21 December 2019

Acceptance, Bumpy heads and Emotional Hangovers

The thing I love best about our boy is his ability to put bad stuff behind him and keep going forward. He is always very apologetic and contrite after having a temper tantrum or being unkind or difficult. Many of his teachers have told us how unusual it is for one so young to even be aware of the impacts of his actions on others. This is what makes him normally so kind-hearted and empathetic. 

So after difficulties yesterday, he was apologetic, loving and kind today. It has been a quiet day just watching movies. His fever is still intermittent, but the huge issue is his low neutrophils. These are white blood cells that help to fight infections. If those don't go up, even if we get rid of the current infection, he'll be even more susceptible to the next one and we'll land right back in here. So we're waiting and hoping. 

And I am coaching Ollie to be prepared if we can't go home tomorrow and need to stay longer. The goal is to get well and hopefully be home for Christmas.

I can tell the coaching, change management and too a degree desensitization is working, because today the doctor suggested if his levels aren't up tomorrow we could try a medicine by injection that could raise them. A few weeks ago Ollie would have immediately started fighting the idea and had a massive melt down over the idea of another poke. Today he simply said, "If it gets me home faster, I don't care...I'll do it." Dr. Pinto was shocked and told him how proud she was of him and noted how far he's come in such a short time (because weeks ago four of us had to hold him down to get a poke).

He also started losing his hair more obviously today. He was pretty okay with it, other than the fact that it made his neck itchy. Mario has been growing his hair to shave it off when Ollie is ready. So I guess we'll soon see if the Acosta men have bumpy heads or not. Of course Ollie laughs and says daddy is already almost bald so it won't be much different for him. Just another cancer milestone we're going to pass through on this journey. 

I have a headache today and feel like maybe it's an emotional hangover from yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. 

I was also feeling a bit, "why us?!" today until I saw this in the kitchen, reminding me that so many of us have to bear it and do survive it.

On the home front we are grateful to dear friends who kept Abby overnight last night, and took her shopping today and to another who was at our house today to oversee duct work cleaning and kindly folded laundry. Many others checked in with me over the last two days to be sure we were doing okay, offered to run things to the hospital and dropped off special treats. Every little gesture and kindness is acknowledged and appreciated. 

We'll keep you posted on his progress, but are going to bed early now in hopes that we're both much better tomorrow. Sleep well!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dawn - so sorry to hear that Ollie and your family are dealing with cancer. I read your blog today, it's very informative. I hope Ollie is able to go back home soon! I've never donated blood before but plan to do so soon. I'll be following your updates. -Nancy from Big Sisters


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